Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cleansing Program


 (Nature's Tea, Paraway Plus & Lifiber)

If you’ve struggled with managing your weight, reshaping your body, or improving your health, and are nagged by health problems like bloating, constipation, and low energy levels, the problem may lie within. An important step in achieving and sustaining good health is the cleansing and detoxification of your insides.

Every day you’re bombarded with substances that don’t belong in your body. They’re in the air, the food you eat, and the water you drink. In fact, you’re not even safe in your home. Cleaners, deodorizers, detergents, furniture polish, and chemicals in your food and water are absorbed by eating and drinking, through your skin, and by breathing — and you can’t get rid of them effectively on your own.

In order for your cells and organs to function properly you must cleanse your body of toxins, pollutants, and parasites. Neglecting your internal health and cleanliness has its negative consequences.


  •Suffering from fatigue, weakness, low energy levels?

 •Dealing with allergies or food sensitivities/intolerance?

 •Frustrated by elimination problems, constipation, diarrhea, haemorrhoids?

 •Suffering with intestinal disorders like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Colitis?

 •Experiencing poor immunity - frequent colds, viruses, infections?

 •Dealing with the aggravation of frequent headaches or migraines?

 •Uncomfortable due to digestive problems, bloating, belching, acid reflux, hiatal hernia?

 •Concerned by flatulence, bad breath or foul body odour?

 •Stressed because of unclear thinking and/or poor concentration?

 •Always running out of “steam” before you run out of day?

 •Exasperated due to skin problems, acne, rashes, boils, pimples, lack-lustre colour, canker sores?

Without internal cleansing, you may experience symptoms such as weight gain, mood swings, headaches, poor circulation, cellulite, low immunity, sugar cravings, anxiety, body odour, bad breath, bloating, poor digestion, confusion, memory loss, premature aging, lethargy, and stiff joints.

Your body needs help from an external source, such as natural herbs, fibre, and additional purifying agents, to regain its proper balance between accumulation and elimination.

Because of today's high fat, high sugar and low fibre diets, cleansing your digestive tract may be the most critical step you can take to improve your health.

Internal cleansing allows you to experience immediate results, often leading to better overall health, vitality, and a stronger sense of well-being than you've previously experienced.


Best for Face, Hair & Body


Green Tea Oil is the first in the world botanical oil-soluble Catechin which is extracted from Green Tea base powder through a globally-patented manufacturing process combining Jojoba Oil, Squalane from Olive Oil and natural Vitamin E.
Catechin is a type of tannin found in tea leaves, also known for its anti-oxidant, anti-bacteria, fat-burning and odour eliminating properties. CoCo Green™ is the first ingredient in the world that has successfully blended Catechin into an oil-soluble format without using surfactants or emulsifying agents.

Oil-soluble Catechin has the ability to penetrate deep down the skin's lower layers to restore moisture and elasticity, as well as replenish skin lipids which are essential to prevent skin water loss as compared to the conventional water soluble Catechin. Catechin molecule is 3.5 nanometers whereas skin pores are 50 nanometers.
With its superior moisture retention and skin protection abilities, Green Tea Oil can be used from head to toe. Green Tea Oil is suitable for the entire family including children above 6 months.




Retain your Youth!


Many of you have been waiting for the "Elixir of Life" to come to you on a silver platter and I honestly think that you may have actually gotten what you wished for with this product that is called "Enjuvenate™". 

EnJuvenate™ is a fruity drink with unique anti-aging properties that promotes cellular growth and activity, supports lean muscle mass, and enhances your feelings of vitality and well-being. A thrice-weekly product taken just before bedtime from an excellent and very reputable company called Unicity International. 

EnJuvenate™ is a unique anti-aging nutritional formula featuring three proprietary complexes that positively affect the body’s natural production of substances that help us feel younger. These substances affect every aspect of human activity, including sexual function, metabolism, and mood. Here is what is in it and I have highlighted some of the ingredients that are in it and explain why the ingredients are good for your health.

Super Protein Complex: A complex protein blend from eight protein sources for an optimal blend of amino acids. Sources include whey, rice, beet, pea, soy, egg white and casein. This rich blend of amino acids is the building blocks for protein repair in your body. One serving contains 21 grams of protein. 
Regenerative Complex: Contains antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage and promote immune and skin health. Oxidation by free radicals is a major contributor to degenerative conditions we see as we age. To prevent some of these conditions, we need to increase consumption of antioxidants. 

This complex includes: Grape Seed Extract, Green Coffee Extract & Colostrum.

Green Coffee Extract: Green coffee beans have been shown to possess in vivo antioxidant activity against lipid peroxidation. Green coffee contains high levels of chlorogenic acid and this acid is shown to aid in preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which commonly happens as we age and may contribute to heart disease.

Cognitive Complex: Provides targeted nourishment that promotes mental performance and memory. 
This complex includes: Rhodiola rosea, Cordyceps sinensis, American ginseng & Schizandra chinesis.

Pituitary Complex: Supports the body’s natural growth activity for youthfulness and longevity. 

This complex includes the following free-form amino acids:

L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, L-Tyrosine, L-Lysine & L-Arginine.
Rhodiola rosea is commonly known to be an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herbs are botanicals with the ability to aid the body in coping with many different forms of stress by maintaining homeostasis in the face of stress and regulating the body’s adaptive reactions. 

This reduces most signs of the alarm stage of the stress response and delays or promotes the avoidance of the exhaustion stage. Through these mechanisms, adaptogens aid in making the stress response less damaging both physically and mentally. 

The double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study showed improvement in physical fitness, mental fatigue and neuromotor tests in students during an examination period. Another placebo-controlled study showed an improved accuracy of movement versus speed in maze test (neuro-motoric fitness).

Finally, another study demonstrated improved mental performance and had anti-fatigue properties in healthy physicians during night duty. Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to enhance the body’s resistance to fatigue and to extend human life.

Cordyceps Sinensis is a mushroom belonging to the genus Cordyceps within the family Clavicipitaceae. It is traditionally only grown in very small quantities in its natural habitat in remote areas of China. Some studies done by Numico in Europe have shown increased oxygen use during exercise. However, it is more used for resistance to stress-induced intensive exercise and enhances immune system functioning and also exhibits an anti-fatigue effect.

American ginseng is marketed to maintain natural energy levels and increase general well-being. A review of studies showed an improvement in the quality of life, including energy, mental and physical abilities, mood, and general health. American ginseng contains antioxidants, which prevents age-associated oxidative damage, enhances immune function and contains anti-stress properties.
Berries of Schizandra Chinensis have been used extensively in traditional medicine in China and Russia as an anti-fatigue agent and increasing energy and physical endurance, two luxuries often lost through age. The active compound is schizandrin. Schizandrin is believed to increase resistance to a wide range of physical, chemical, and emotional stressors while promoting improved overall regulation of physiological processes.

One study on race horses showed that S. Chinensis facilitates the recuperation of the cardiovascular and respiratory system in horses subjected to different kinds of exercise. Double-blind controlled randomised study showed it may help people endure stressful situations short-term, particularly heavy exercise.

Finally, it contains Lepidium Meyenii, also know as maca. This is a botanical ingredient used to aid in sexual desire. It is a nutritious tuber which grows in the harsh environment of the Peruvian highlands and it has a mythical reputation for promoting energy and stamina, enhancing sexual potency and libido.

It has been shown in rats to enhance sexual function as evidenced by an increase in the number of complete intromissions and the number of sperm-positive female in the study.

It also showed a decreased in the latent period of erection in male rats with erectile dysfunction. Strong aphrodisiac activity was noted from this plant. A common negative consequence of ageing is a decrease in libido as well as sexual desire, energy and endurance.



Q: Can a child or someone under the age of 30s take Enjuvenate? 
A: Enjuvenate is not recommended for children or anyone under the age of 30s.

 Q: Can I add hot water to Enjuvanate?

 A: It is not recommended because hot water can destroy the nutrients.

DIRECTION OF USE:2hours before bedtime, mixed 2 scoops (50g) of Enjuvenate with 8oz of cold water. For adult above 30s years old only.
Use Enjuvenate 3 times a week, alternate days. 

For best results, do not consume any food within 2 hours before or after Enjuvenate. 

Do not take if you are pregnant, lactating, have a medical condition, taking any medications, or allergic to soy protein, egg white, rice protein or whey protein. Use only as directed.